Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A New Year, some new goals...

C-Downtown Association of Fairbanks  

okay, so Christmas season got hectic for me... (doesn't it for everyone?) and then off to the New Year, new projects, and playing with the new toys. I made a resolution to Blog at least once a week, and update my Etsy Site (Arctic Visions) just as often, but I'm already behind on both.

So what fun new toys you ask? Well- My wonderful wife bought me a loom... it's an Asford 30cm Knitter's Loom, which I have Warped, and will be starting to weave soon... I also got more spinning fiber (can't go wrong there... ) and more tools for my Lathe- Lots of fun to learn there. And a whole lot of distractions (movies, games, etc) that I have been and will continue to enjoy.

Ah, yes, and my spinning- another Resolution I need to catch up on. That Resolution was to finish the monthly Spin-A-Longs in the month they are going- so in January, I only have 2 (well 3 but I gave one up already.) I'm in a Roving of the Month Club with my wife, and she loved this months fiber, so I gave it to her for her 'single as a finished wool project.' So from my Ravelry Groups I have the "Marvel VS DC" comic spin-along in which I am spinning a red-black short repeat colorway to ply for maximum barber poling as 'Deadpool;' and then the 3rd Harry Potter R-A-L & S-A-L in which I Have picked out my project.... silk merino in 'storm' colorway- black with red streaks wool, with light grey streaks of silver through-out as 'Sirius Black' which I haven't even started yet.

And as to the Etsy site- I haven't put as much in as I'd like, and January should be a pig push month (more on that next week, after the Box Release...) hopefully bringing a large influx of visitors. But the Lathe is working fine, so I'll keep making and posting as I get time.... and maybe I can catch up posts here too... I'm only 2 posts late- I can make that up in midweeks... oh, yeah, today is a mid week... hmmm...

Here's hoping your holiday season went well, and the new year feels nice to you too!

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