Thursday, November 4, 2021

Why, you caught me monologuing

 --- begin----

   Hmph, a monologue.

    Worse than that, a "two minute monologue." That assumes a spoken presentation. That would make sense if the source was a ' How to make a Podcast,' but I was under the impression that it was instead a ' Get your creative juices flowing' series. And I plan to continue using it as such.

    As to a 'Spoken Word' presentation? That has never been my strength. My voice wasn't 'cute' in youth, and now it's"Ancient Tones" do not evoke the melody or charisma to keep an audience engaged.

   Add to this breathing issues of treatable Apnea, that makes my breathing awkwardly noticable in recordings... Making those recordings feel a killer or stalker from old procedural TV shows' voice overs. 

     Not wanting to convey that creepy feeling reminiscent of any crime drama; (from Streets of San Francisco to the current CSI shows, and half the slashers films in between;) I won't subject you to that. Maybe if I can figure out how to filter or disguise it, but not now.

     Besides, compared to our hosts, 'none can match the flavor and simple beauty of the original.' And they are the original podcast content creators from my limited experience, as Welcome to Night Vale was my first podcast experience.


Okay so Assignment#2 was a '2 minute monologue with 3 randomly generated inclusions.

1 Bluegrass Title -- " Ancient Tones"

2 US City -- " San Francisco"

3 A Phrase from a ' Best Food's description' -- " none match the flavor and simple beauty of the original."

And I am already not sure of my own tentative rules... Modification to be that I can skip forward if the assignment is either irrelevant or quarantine/situationally unreasonable.

Done for now..

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Staring Here ( thanks )

 With thanks to Jeffrey Cranor.

__assignment begins___

So, I am always behind the times and trends. Not like being born in the wrong timeline; well not often, and that's a different topic.

 No, I just seem to be out of step with the general trends of society. For example when I started this blog, v-logs and vid-casts were eating the bandwidth... It's even become a household joke, on that when I find a product I like, it is discontinued; changes it's formula; or goes through an 'update' that changes what I liked in the first place.

This is not to say I don't enjoy some popular items/ products/ etc. which leaves me just enough hope for each ' new' find. But even then, I may we'll find something at the ' wrong' time... ( a tabletop game a week before pandemic lockdown, yep, that's me.)

I am also easily sidetracked, as is witnessed by the several starts and long pauses of this Blog. Over the years I have had several friends encouraging me to share my history and creativity... but consistent blogging, forum posting, or any other consistent work is not my strong suite.

About three years ago, a friend suggested I listen to "Welcome to Night Vale." She suggested it fit my sense of humor and horror; and she was right. At the time I was doing a lot of distance driving for work ( approximately 300 to 400 miles a day, mostly out of radio reception.) 

After catching up, and beginning to explore similar podcasts... Following links to the other podcasts by the same people, l recently began "Start With This." 

The fist episode hit me right in the 'motivation.' The creative discussion, and short assignment lit my imagination. And they have a community that I could share these thoughts and get feedback, perfect. Connect with similar creative, but distracted minds, yes please.

Well, predictably, I was behind the times again... The support/ shared group is ending shortly. So, rather than join, l bought some of the Night Vale Presents merchandise. I did want to support the work after all, and it let's my geek flag fly.

Anyway, I decided even without the support group, I could revisit my old Blog to 'complete' the assignments ( as per 1st episode lesson. IE not complete until it is in the world.)  And this rambling recount of not being consistent with my creative endeavors is something I have struggled with. So, as the first assignment was to spend an hour free writing and editing something already in your head; I decided to us it as an introduction to the restarting of this Blog. 

Tentative rules, I will post assignments from "Start with This" here, and cannot go to the next episode until this is posted. Other posts may be added, but I plan to at least do two of their assignments per month... So at 1 hour and 6 minutes, my first assignment, and hopefully a new creative journey begins...

---- end Assignment ----